Project coordinator, editing, camera, workshops (Miranda van der Spek) Workshops in collaboration with Antonio Guzman and Armando Espinoza (Netherlands) and Aldo Cardoso (Bolivia) Mirandas filmproducties developed and produced the Focus on Water project commissioned by and together with OLAA (Organisation for Latin American Activities). Focus on Water is a video exchange project...
Production of music clips with the schoolchildren in their neighbourhood: Miranda van der Spek Music production with the children: Rob Vlaar School group 7 / 8: School group 5 / 6:     Music videoclips made with pupils from school Het Mozaïek, de Pijp Amsterdam Schoolyear 2007-2008.  ...
Production and compilation of documentaries with the children: Miranda van der Spek In collaboration with Marieke Klomp Commissioned by AliceO Video Virtuosos is an audiovisual exchange project between elementary schools, with films made by and for children from different parts of the city. The video reportages are about children’s experiences through...
Production, research, texts, film productions: Miranda van der Spek, Mirandas filmproductions Technique website & mixing tool: Designserver ( ) Design teacher manual, website & mixing tool: Studio Annelies Vlasblom ( ) Teaching materials: Margriet Jansen, MJCpro ( ) Animation website: Metropolisfilm bv ( ) Editing music MixTool: RebelMusic Instructional films:...